Things I am doing:
Line edits for Capture Me Strong (unrepresented and unpublished YA novel)
Working on the craft of Pitch-writing
Getting to know Scrivener--and loving it!
Connecting on social media (Tweet @Je55ieMullin5 or visit me on Facebook.)
Hosting this contest for artists on Period Fairy (submissions end October 31!)
Trying not to starve to death while my sweet potato bakes ever so slowly in the oven because I don't (want to) own a microwave
Re-evaluating my beliefs about microwaves
Things I am Not Doing:
Not a very good job at line editing because I keep getting wrapped up in Adira's story in Capture Me Strong. That's a good and bad thing! Good because I see it finally coming together. Like, together together. Bad, though, because line edits are vital for catching easy-to-glaze-over mistakes. I might have to start reading backward...
Also, totally not changing my mind about microwaves.
Letting haters and naysayers get to me. Still.
If I can work on this novel for three years and not get sick of it, only have to take one solid break (that was actually a good thing), and only feel more and more excited about, then...I know this is love. True never-give-up-on-it love.