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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

First Publication!

I will forever celebrate July 16 because on this day in 2014, I went from being a writer to a published writer! My first publication is a devotional called "Obstacles in Our Adventures" on Whole Magazine, a online Christian magazine for women.

I found Whole Magazine on July 10, 2014 when someone new followed me on Twitter. I checked out her profile and saw that she, too, was a writer. I followed her back and saw that she had just had an article posted on Whole Magazine. I went to the website and fell in love with the magazine. It's full of women writing about real life and God stuff. Swoon! This is right up my alley because it's the type of thing I love to write about on my blog, This God Who Makes My Heart Explode with Happiness.
The articles written there are relatable and encouraging, and I wanted to be a part of it.

That same day, I applied to be writer. And I waited.

This morning I woke up to an email sent to me last night saying my post went live at 11PM! So, I guess, technically I was published yesterday. But it feels like today for me, so that's what I'm going with!

I am elated. I've been jumping around, squealing and laughing, crying, and thanking God because this is what I have been striving for. I am published. My words are out there in the world, and they may encourage someone today. That's amazing.

This may get corny, but I want to give thanks right now. First to my Father for giving me a passion and a gift for writing, and for using them. For working in me, through me, and for me. Next, I want to thank Carmen Miller and Emily Lauren of Whole Magazine for giving me this beautiful opportunity, and for putting such a lovely magazine out there. Thanks to anyone else on the team. Thank you, Brittney Moses, for the follow on Twitter because it's through you I found this magazine! Thanks to my husband, Gary, who gives me huge support so I can write full time, and who encourages and inspires me daily. Thank you to everyone who has ever read my blogs because it would be harder to write if no one was reading. There are too many people to thank whom I know personally and have been encouraged by, and I know I would miss some if I tried to name everyone. That said, thank you to anyone who has been encouraging and supportive. You know who you are. (I promise this will be much more extensive and specific when I get my novel published...I've started a list.) I do want to give a shout out of thanks to my family, though, who have been especially and constantly wonderful to me. Thank you to my parents, Phil and Nikki, to the best siblings in the world, Jen and Bugy (Chris), and to Heavan.

If you sat through the acknowledgements, good for you. haha. (Am I the only one who reads the acknowledgements in every book?)

Now, because this post isn't long enough (ahem), I wanted to share that there is something else incredibly exciting happening today. I get to attend Veronica Roth's Q&A tonight at 7 in Lansing with my momma! If you're not into YA books, Veronica Roth is the genius author of the Divergent books. She's one of the authors I most admire and adore. I've already cried, like, three times just anticipating it. I'm going to be a wreck when I actually see her. I'll have to try to reign in my inner fan-girl a bit so I don't scare her away. (Not kidding.) I'm trying to think of the one question I will ask if given the opportunity. Also, I'm wearing all black and considering getting a tattoo (or maybe not) so I can attend this in Dauntless attire. Anyway, yes, I'm thrilled!

Today is wonderful. I'm going to celebrate this day for all of time.

Thanks for reading!
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