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Monday, November 17, 2014

NaNoWriMo Start of Week Three

I'm a couple days late on this because I spent the start of week three with my sister, writing in a coffee shop and binge-watching Gilmore Girls. Day well-spent.

In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, this post will be completely all-over-the-place. Here are observations from week two:

On day 10, I wrote a scene between friends that really moved me. Don't get me wrong--it probably sucked in all the technical ways because it's free-writing, but I was down-to-the-bone pleased with it. The scene is kind of nitty gritty. My characters have started taking real shape and acting like real people. They surprise me. And one of them likes to swear. I generally don't swear, by the way. I mean, I do sometimes when I'm driving and someone honks at me and freaks me out or when I'm feeling emotionally intense or when trying to make my husband laugh. But other than that, not really. My character does, though! And I started to feel kind of embarrassed, like, "When so and so reads this, they're going to be like, 'Jess has a secret potty mouth...tsk tsk.'" Well, sometimes. But this isn't me! Can I deny my character the way he talks?? It's so stifling to worry about this, so when I wrote the scene I didn't worry-I was true to the character and it felt awesome.

Now, in a Christan book, I get that unfortunately that's probably a no-no. But I don't think this will be a Christian book, and that's okay. It can honor God without that label and with the naughty words. And if people don't like it and they think less of me for it, that's their choice.

I RESPECT the heck out of James Dashner for his tough characters and their nitty gritty language without the swearing. He found a way to have them swear without swearing, which is mad genius. And it works. But it seems like my characters like the old fashioned kind, and I think I'm okay with it. :)

Also, my MC and her best friend (the potty mouth) like to say inappropriate things to each other. I have no part in this.

Last week, I said that I had my doubt about this book and it sucks and all that. Well, his week, I started to see how it could be awesome one day. There's diversity. Friendship. First-love. Teen angst. And there's a twist!

A sort of dark, psychological thriller-type twist. Which I LOVE and always want to write, but cant. Or I can't do it on purpose anyway. My ideas always start out as every-day stories. Stories about the people at their core. Quiet stories. My characters are funny and lighthearted. And then things change.

My characters do questionable things. They have secrets. They get dark. Twists happen on accident and shock me. It's the best. And it wouldn't happen if I didn't push through the suck and write anyway.

In week one I started writing out of order. I've continued that this week because it helps to write whatever scene I feel like writing instead of whichever one comes next. It's a happy, hot mess.

Writing with other people is more fun than writing alone, but only if the other people is just my sister. 

I've been a little wobbly this week when it comes to spitting out my target word count. As you'll see in the graph below. But I'm not too far behind, which is better than every other year I've done this.

Goal for week three:
Stay above that line every day. Even if it's just a smidge above.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

NaNoWrimMo: Start of Week Two

Week one of NaNoWriMo is done! Today is the start of week two. Below you'll find observations and thoughts from week one, plus goals for week two.


Writing this much makes me ten thousand times more hungry. Not a terribly thing. Eating is good--especially since I've been healthy! I homemade a couple healthy desserts (carrot cake oatmeal cookies and strawberry cream truffles) so I could rightfully indulge and still do my body good. (I'm not an amazing cook or anything, but I tore it up in the kitchen this week.)

I've ben especially pale these past few days. New anti-tan from so much computer time? Or is it the new ultra bright lightbulb in our bathroom?

On day six, the excitement started to wear off. Maybe I was tired. Or maybe I was tired specifically of the story. Either way, I felt like I needed a hard core nap--and that was after I had already had a nap. I was PMS-level grumpy/verging on whiny. (Note: Was not PMSing.) It was so bad that when I went to the store to get some unsweetened coconut flakes for the truffles (Which were amazing, by the way!), I stared at all the sweetened coconut flakes, hoping they would turn into the ones I needed. When that didn't work, I walked down the aisle a bit, then back where I glared at the coconut, like that would make it change. I'm not proud to admit I did it again a third time.

It was after that I decided to call it a day after only 1k words. I clearly needed a break. Plus, I'd been promising myself a coconut bath for days and not delivering. I felt cheated and unappreciated by myself--never a good thing. Lesson: Don't hold back on the rewards. And that's pretty much a solid life lesson, so you're welcome. 

After giving myself a break on day six, the problem was pretty clear on day seven. I had stopped having fun writing. It had become all about that bass getting the word count out so I could finish. But what good is that if I'm not learning and enjoying?

To fix this, I decided to give myself extra writing time by cutting out the Netflix rewards between writing sprints. Instead, I redid my writing board by adding helpful writing charts and inspiration. And then? I focused not on what would move the story forward in the way I thought it needed to go, but what would be fun for me to write. Even if it meant jumping out of order, what was I dying to add to the story right then? Doing this helped me tremendously and was extra loads of fun.

I finally gave myself that bath on day seven. Candles. Relaxation music. It was HEAVENLY. More, please.  

Other things...

Unwelcome fear: This book sucks and will always suck and it's not the next One and no book will ever be the next One because I could only write one good One.

 Strategy: Write in 500 word bursts and then break for half an episode of Arrow. Repeat. Sometimes replace Arrow with online dress shopping or Facebook. Worked pretty well, but sometimes Arrow sucks me in and I'm less than productive. Maybe less of that this week? Yeah...

Another strategy: Update my word count on the nano site every three hundred or so words because it helps me see that I've crept along and gives me a boost of pep to keep creeping along.

Cold hard fact: No writing will ever happen before 9AM. Don't even try.

Warning to my tomorrow self: Don't join in on the virtual write-ins because all it is is a distracting chat room. Maybe instead you could join one of the Jackson group's actual in-person write-ins. But who am I kidding, right? People. I know you won't.

Here's a screen shot of my NaNoWriMo progress!

Right on point! This week I want to get just a little ahead so I can start making a padding for Thanksgiving. My goal is pretty much the same as last time. 1,500 words/day on the weekends. 2k words/day on the week days. Yay for doable goals! Also, I'm going to start each day by asking myself what would be fun to write. What would add shimmer to the story?
