I'm sitting at my desk, with the sun shining in all it's orangeness through my window, Lemon Lift Bigelow tea next to me (not my favorite, but what I have in the cupboard), and my writing tie is on. Oh, and I'm in my pajamjams.
I'm about to write, and it feels a bit like I'm in a Disney movie. Like I might just burst into a song that's brewing in my chest, ready to burst out and dance in the air before my keyboard.
Why? Well, the sunshine and tea help a lot, but I think the real reason is because I took a look at where I last left off--and unfortunately, it's where I was in my latest blog post--and decided not to care about cheesiness for now. If need be, I'll clean it up later.
This is a moment for Adira. A real God moment. I've had plenty of those, so I know what it feels like--the completely wonderful smile-like-a-dork-and-tell-all-your-friends-after-either-crying-or-jumping-around-the-room-making-high-pitched-squeaks-of-joy feeling. Those are the best moments. So, I'm taking those, and weaving them into the story the best I can.
No over-thinking, just writing from my heart.
That's as much of the right answer as I can think of. And I didn't think of it, it just resonated with me when I read it here. You can't possibly get more real or more incredible than writing things that God has actually done and you have actually experienced. <3