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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Finished! ...And Starting!

This afternoon, August 13, 2011, I finished the second revision of Picture Perfect with 76,221 words, 332 pages!

If you know me at all, I do not run. Right after I finished it, I saw my parents leaving the driveway on a walk. I couldn't possibly wait to tell them\, so I threw on some clothes and actually ran after them. that's how excited I was.

It feels so wonderful! Thank you, God! Thank you. Thank you for giving me this book idea and for blessing me with so many people who support me in this.

I mean, it's not complete yet. I have more revision and editing to go through. Then I need some beta readers. Then more editing and revising. My goal is to have it ready to send out by the time I turn 22. So I have to work diligently.

Ahhh! I'm so pumped!

Two thumbs up because I'm so pumped!

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