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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Betas Wanted!

Today I printed out Picture Perfect as it is--260 pages of hard work--and I am going through it as if I'm reading someone else's book. I have a bright green pen in hand, and I'm marking it up. It's so exciting, and I feel like I'm in the final stretch, where things get really gnarly, but I can see the light at the end.  And the light looks breathtaking!

A lot of people hate on what I'm doing. One of the perks about actually doing this is that I'm daily proving them wrong. They'll see that when all this work come to fruition. (My goal is not to prove them wrong, it'll just be...a little nice? I hope that doesn't sound bad.)

Of course, my goals are to touch people with a story that needs to be told, and eventually make a living of doing what I love. God has given me this dream, and I am dreaming big! I can't tell you how excited I am right now. And I can't tell you what those dreams are, exactly, because I would blush--that's how big and crazy they are. (I know you wouldn't see me actually blush, but still...)

Coming up!

After I finish this revision, and am going to need beta readers.
beta reader: (bay-ta read-er) n: a completely awesome person who will read my manuscript and give me honest suggestions and opinions about the storyline, characters, grammar, etc.

My personal criteria for beta readers:
  • Honesty. You can tell me if something is boring or cliché  or doesn't make sense--I promise I won't cry. (Though you can be honest in a nice way...)
  • You can't show it to anyone. NOT A SOUL!! So, you have to be trustworthy and give me your word you won't let it be stolen. Plus, I have ways to prove it was mine first, and you will be in huge trouble.
  • You can't take it and not get back to me for a year. I have to move on with it, so reading it in a timely fashion is much apprecaited. What does timely mean? ...How about a month? Sound good? It's not a long or complicated book.
  • You have to like young adult fiction. My target audience: females age 12-20 or so. You can be older--I am! You just have to enjoy books for that age group. And I guess you can be a guy, but you have to like this sort of thing.  
  • You have to like reading and/or writing because how else will you know whether or not it's any good?

If you need a refresher on what this novel is about, here is a link to my very first post, which describes the book.
I am going to need multiple betas because the more feedback I get, the better. So let me know if you're interested!   

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