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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fancy That

Check this guys' blog out! He says some good stuff about writing.

In other news: I wrote a short short today called Locket for this contest. The short has to be exactly 78 words. Not one word more or less. I normal don't do shorts, but I'm quite happy with this one! Here it is.

Claudia pinched the locket between her thumb and forefinger. She wished she had noticed the ticking earlier. Wished she had peeled back the tiny picture and seen the countdown.
Fifteen seconds left in the game.
Her life or thousands? A whole stadium. Claudia’s husband and baby waited at home. No clue about her secret sport. Tonight was date night.
Claudia yanked the locket bomb from its chain and consumed betrayal in one, hard swallow.

Let me know what you think! Thanks, my loyal and noble readers! (Ohhh, now you have to say something nice because I said something nice about you. haha. Kidding. I always welcome constructive criticism.)

1 comment:

  1. I think it sounds great baby. Its a winner in my book! I believe you have a great shot at winning this contest.

