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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Million and Two

You know  what helps give me drive to finish this book and work really really hard on it so one day I can find an agent and get published and hopefully touch someone's life with Adira's story?

The fact that I have people who believe in me.

And for every scoffer and naysayer, there's somone who does believe in me.

To my loved one's who do, a million and two thank yous.

Also, a long time ago I promised a picture of my writing board! Here it is.

Those little stars on the side? That's my progress meter! Each star has five lines that represent a thousand words, which, if you're at least nine years of age, you know means each star is worth five thousand. I started this meter at 30,000 words, and my goal is 80,000. I have seven thousand words to go before this revision is DONE. Yes. Done. This calls for celebration.

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